Saturday, December 29, 2012


alignment that has followed you all your life has now manifested into A being called YOU ]

No one else can assume the rights.

You can be seen as the slaughter sheep wanting for others to slaughter yourself once again

instead the stream is now a river the land is now an village.

Living no longer can be guaranteed for those who follow others into falsehood

meaning that do as i do which was Right for the light the lord Jesus but not for god Christ

Thus this is your beginning as the end has comes for those who have been wolves in sheep clothing

Hiding by the wayside is the Lord who has accustomed to all fashions but one that is fair called


Not by trickery of a street

Not by conniving

but by the heart who Unconscious

is the cloth that leads us to know the matters of the soul

Does your soul need cleaning?

Not by the one who wants the lordjesus to greet them with love and respect for something good they never did or just didn't do Or better yet act like they did do or are doing!

That falsehood

And that's a wolf in sheep clothing ,wanting to say (I WAS JUST MISUNDERSTOOD) Or i didn't know i hurted you!(of course a wolf would say this)

enough of that

Now the Lord protects you as god allows Jesus to get threw

So that your life wont be tricked no more by wolves in SHEEP CLOTHING