Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Feelings Of Night and Day! Present

 Staying in the present as i've mentioned in several posting

Staying alive in the present as willed for your purpose as not allowing those once more in a heart cleaned and new

New to breathing into what brings them love as joy itself has been placed as during the month of February as to continuing into what is called Day the present of those where themselves the or the negative energies have now left the present mind as well as the body called Present Day!

Avoiding narcissism as being safely placed in Day called Present Day!

As not being negatively controlled by a beast without love in its soul! A pessimistic 

Acceptance and Acknowledging Your Present New Day and Night!

Leaving the mind and the body  called the new heart that spirits an uplifting that was already shown to you to continue as Daylight Saving Time is only weeks away!

This then as called now shows your disciplined character as thus a reputation

Leaving scandals as scandalous persons are now not called in your realm nor do you relate or rekindle those who hate. Yes a new realm has opened up for love called joy allowing those to breathe as not feeling sneaky or sneaking for those whose will is unclean as well as proven guilty to not only their past but the Past as well the Present

Now love joy can enjoy the feeling of a Present called a present day and a present night!

Love and Joy now prepare for their Peace

Peace as the mind and the body come together called Present as it reenters in the blood calling those who understand that they were placed in Peace for themselves as well as love and joy!

Theirs are the ones whose fruits are in god spirit

Understanding that they have light in the night called new integrity that which god placed in their hearts hands head home house and heel 

So that they may be able trust in a time that is called for how they need to live as a person as in private as well as individually! Many now cannot see or hear from those who are in the Present  light called present day and present night! This present light stops as well as protects the Past

It supports and aids as well as associates as  a Friend called threw love shown as a Family Member and a Friend one who knows threw love shows joy as this is their present night as love is their present day!

Peace now has a new name called girlfriend or friend of a Family or the one who god chose to show and give love and trust and respect too and to be loyal too as a friend

Their joy shared by them private/y as for their person called will the self expression the love that one is able to give show and tell a person in private like a phone call or a text love and joy now peace giving the one permission to invite one as wants becomes needs to physically move into one's present that becoming day and night present

Mercedes Mercedes Juarez   

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Mercedesspiritualreader /ReadingsbyMercedes

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