We got what we need RIGHTEOUS !and all this good stuff is that right? Do you still work your mind for the evil thoughts and you want to live right? Clear your head instead of going on this way,why because you might think your getting ahead but at night you cry instead! Now so all threw the day the fight way has been shown to you, and now you see that, and also it feels remarkable so have you changed your mind? maybe you want to be alone maybe your still scorn! and all the time you have and keep Hope Alive now this works for you not him! So how do you let the people in THREW RIGHTEOUSNESS a total respect of who you are! yes you are someone and people know it in their heart so righteousness is now the start of a whole new relationship or a whole new you!.Believing is seeing as the planets aligned has already brought you to stand not sit during a phenomenal event as this meaning that now you can say and do,no more feeling sorry for you being blessed don't have time get it? Well this is the test that most people fear, the fear of guilt of how they got there? or who helped them? or why? Because they had the time to thank the person after Christ raised and they didn't most people give thanks after the Jesus return have you? righteousness will see you threw if you did. Many people say well i thank this person all the time why now? Because after he risen you have the effect of a heart and mind given to the receiver to fill in. Would you go back and kill Jesus again? OK now that's why the Thank you is in order now! Besides when you look at the righteousness that will stop the past from happening at arms length yes it makes you feel good seeing and knowing that you are forgiven and you have resurface new! Righteousness leads you to the places and doing things that you would not normally do, But guess what ? Its like waking from a coma and remembering you did this before and wow how this keeps the negatives* away from your door. Now the recovery aspect has just started and remember you just went threw something since February 2012 and now you have to speed up because now you know what is and whats not right for you in your life.However that's just the foundation and soon the floors will be fixed and then you brought yourself a home full of righteousness! You want to stabilize your life living and lifestyle and this will make you smile Day to Day. When you feel that you understand all of this email me or hit me up on face book. This is a part time investor in your home and the other part will soon be known! This investment is the you that people see outside the house the body of Christ yes they see you too! and this is where the investment comes threw to you and what they want from you,Think about it.Next is the TRUTH and this is the other half of all the good stuff and more where they come from and how they soar threw life! Yes the truth is that they know who you are and how you get down and these are the people in Christ always ready knowing the precise time or thing to do or say! they don't play! everything is done to a T" and that means Truth! they make an investment in your life living or lifestyle and this is Big, as i explained before this is Truth and they don't care about your past if any? and they only care about helping you in life living or lifestyle they have their purpose and they are prepared! So there you have the good stuff Truth and Righteousness and then you enter into time right. This is very important as we all know because being sent back or waiting for that time to come again is well HELL and who wants to be there? But the good stuff is back truth and righteousness putting you back in TIME RIGHT!
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