Sunday, June 12, 2016


Om as now those have allowed an environment deemed for them regardless of the atmosphere to live as this atmosphere is what is clearly inside of them now turning what is called past alphas outside of their head or heart or both! Stopping the generation realm as all know as what negatively effected them into a place now freed from
As their prayers are answered now releasing what was called an past greed not being seed into omega as that was the prayer itself
Sacred as it touched those but without knowing the god that had infected those in what previously had them placed in an genration realm!
Now omega begin without them him or her
Now beginning to feel not afraid as this not for them him or her!
As this number is for you and only you! As those who were blessed under a generation realm that had you as a black sheep now
Yes they knew omega as they tried to stop you from reaching for the stars or the start of your own Omega
Time has now left them as well as those who feel to an generation realm of negatively effecting you! Waiting for you to die*
Besides your birth number
That's all they had inside of them for you!
Yes as they were given an number called threw as to giving them what they needed to sustain life as well as living. They thought omega was only for their kind, not you!
Omega now stopping the use of you your alpha, as now both belong to the individual called self as now stopping others from placing you in all men in an environment negative effective for generations  of alphas that felt like they were god either when they had you, be it threw birth or threw sexually intercourse or some both(when the alpha controls your sex life preferably picking men or women for you to have sex with!)
As like in an community!
Moving around an environment (feeling strange?) because you were not left behind as a victim of their fate.
Families Friends and Associates now have been placed in this om as only to be in what is called the new time of your called you
Yes spirits are alive
But as threw omega, new
Leaving i,e,u and y
Peace and Blessings Omega

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